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作者 Changwang 浏览 发布时间 2011-11-11

      偏心异径橡胶接头在 管道-泵安装偏心大小头:是用来防气蚀的,且泵进口的大小头一般应该顶平安装,这是防止管道内气相在泵口积聚,形成大气泡进入泵腔,损坏泵。只有一种情况下才可以底平安装。那就是大小头后面直接接向上弯曲的弯头。这种情况下气相不可能积聚。泵-管道安装同心异径接头:泵出口DN与外管道系统存在差异,用于同心异径大小头,可实现尺寸不同的两根管子的直线连接,实现管道变径的管件。

    Eccentric different-diameter rubber joint in the pipeline and the pump mounting eccentric size head: is used to prevent cavitation erosion, and the size of the import pump head should generally flat roof installation, this is to prevent pipe gas phase in the pump inlet accumulation, form big bubbles into the pump chamber, damage to the pump. There is only one case can install the flat. That is size head directly meet up behind the elbow bend. This case of gas phase may not accumulation. Pump-pipe installation concentric different-diameter connector: pump export DN and pipe system the difference, for all different diameter size head, can realize the different size of two pipe line connection, realize the pipe diameter changes the pipe pieces.


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